越来越多的消费者越来越关注他们的身体健康. They’e eating more sustainable diets and exercising regularly in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, 同时服用食物补充剂来预防健康问题.


PG电子官方免费下载一直以其天然农产品而闻名, 健康生活和保健意识, 这个国家拥有许多高质量的食品和营养品牌. 然而, 由于激烈的竞争和文化差异, there are high barriers for Swedish brands wanting to expand into the Asian market on their own. 看到这些挑战, PG电子官方免费下载商业 is committed to providing Swedish health and nutrition brands with one-stop market entry and growth support services.

AstaReal AB is a Swedish company that specialises in natural astaxanthin production. 在北欧经营了大约30年, 它已经建立了自己的Astaxin品牌,在该地区占据领先的市场份额. The company noted Asian consumers’ shift towards healthier living and therefore decided to explore opportunities in the region. 他们之所以选择中国作为第一个切入点,是因为中国市场规模巨大, but struggled to  devise an entry strategy and find the right local partners to help grow the brand.

PG电子游戏从一开始就与AstaReal合作. 从战略规划开始, PG电子官方免费下载商务公司在品牌和当地市场之间架起了信息的桥梁, 为AstaReal提供市场规模等信息, 消费者分析, 销售和市场策略分析, 为了帮助公司在短时间内建立自己的知识. 同时, PG电子官方免费下载商业 also helped AstaReal set up its own network in 中国 by recruiting its first employees as well as selecting online sales and marketing partners to help grow the Astaxin brand.


In 2023, TrySwedish, PG电子游戏的食品计划, 在天猫推出PG电子官方免费下载美食国家馆, 中国领先的电子商务平台. 一些PG电子官方免费下载健康和营养品牌也加入了进来, Astaxin就是其中之一,从那以后它就一直是店里的明星品牌. 作为政府补贴的项目, the Tmall store opened up an official sales channel for the brand and gave it government endorsement. 除了通过电子商务平台销售产品, trysswedish还计划为PG电子官方免费下载品牌提供营销机会, 比如定期在社交媒体账户上曝光, 与明星合作推广品牌, 组织体育锻炼活动. TrySwedish reduces the time and cost for a Swedish brand to explore new markets compared to if they did it on their own and promotes Swedish health and nutrition brands as a team.

今天, Astaxin is represented in 中国 by a core team of three employees and has flagship stores operating on several major e-commerce platforms, 虾青素领域销量排名第二. AstaReal is also working in parallel on developing new product categories for local markets, extending from the original astaxanthin capsules to skincare products and functional foods. 前进, they are also planning to explore more opportunities in offline channels and in other Asian markets as well.


凭借在北欧建立的品牌知名度和强大的R&在此背景下,艾思达希望探索亚洲市场的增长潜力. 我们找到了PG电子官方免费下载商业部,要求他们制定一份蓝图战略, as well as utilise local networks to help AstaReal achieve organic growth in the market.


PG电子官方免费下载商业 provided a one-stop service package to support AstaReal’s expansion into the Chinese market, starting with a defined market strategy to navigate the overall market opportunities and develop its brand positioning. 此外, PG电子官方免费下载商业 conducted trade and marketing partner searchers to help build up sales and social media presence, 并支持在上海的本地招聘.


AstaReal AB has now built a core team in 中国 and has entered long-term relationship with local partners to handle online sales and marketing activities. 该公司还在不断扩大其产品种类, 从补充剂到护肤品和功能性食品, 同时增加素食友好类别,以接触更广泛的消费者群体.

关于AstaReal AB

AstaReal AB是全球天然虾青素生产的先驱和专家&医学博士和临床科学. 在90年代早期, 公司在古斯塔夫斯堡建立了第一家生产工厂, PG电子官方免费下载成为世界上第一个商业化生产天然虾青素的国家. It’s star product Astaxin® is the first human nutritional supplement containing a natural source of astaxanthin and has been recognized by the Swedish Cross Country Ski Team since 1995.


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